Monday 29 June 2009

Arthritis Treatment - Consult Your Doctor For The Best Option

Before you can come to any decision about which arthritis treatment you should use, you have to fully understand the disease of arthritis itself, how it works and what is involved with it. Only by making yourself more informed in this regards first will you be able to have any success with any arthritis treatment.

Arthritis affects millions of people around the world and is in fact one of the most common diseases. It affects the bones and in particular the joints of the body. There are three main types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis. The treatment you will be offered will differ depending on the type of arthritis you have.

Before any treatment for arthritis can be prescribed there has to be an accurate diagnosis as to the specific form of the disease that is causing the problem. It is very important that an appointment with a physician is made as soon as the first signs of arthritis are noticed. The physician will then be able to discover which form of the disease is causing the problem and to prescribe the appropriate medication.

Arthritis is a very painful disease especially if left untreated. Swollen and painful joints make it difficult to do even simple tasks such as opening jars or walking. Care should be taken to avoid falls where bones may be broken.

Once your doctor has confirmed which type of arthritis you have you are able to take a close look at the different treatment options and decide which one is the best one for you. A very gentle treatment to try first is to use a cream or gel which will calm the skin. It does this by applying either warmth or cooling and thus distracts you from feeling the pain.

If this is not enough however, more serious forms of arthritis treatment will be used, namely arthritis medication, and there are dozens of different prescription drugs that are currently used to treat the condition. You may be prescribed one, or a combination of drugs from any of the following types: steroids, disease modifying drugs, anti-TNFs, and painkillers.

You may already be taking painkillers for your arthritis but if you need a stronger version your doctor will be able to supply you a prescription for a more potent version.

If you suffer from arthritis it is very important that you make regular visits to your physician and keep him or her up to date with how the disease is affecting you and if the medication is working or not so that your medication can be changed if needed.